
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hello, Wonderful

While checking my Etsy shop statistics, I found a link to a site called Hello, Wonderful. I thought I'd check it out and was delighted to find a little feature image of my creations on their home page, which lead to blurb about my shop! I had no idea this site existed, it has links to some amazing finds and tutorials. It really brought a smile to my face to see my creations being shared and admired by others. :) I hope they bring inspiration to minds young, old, and every age in between! It's lovely to see something like this, really made my week!

Check out the link here!

And, should you feel inclined to pass on my creations, a pin for my shop can be found below! Just click the image to open it.

 Hope everyone is having a great weekend! xo


  1. That is so great! Isn't it fantastic, people sharing wonderful ideas and projects and artisans? You deserve it for sure.

    1. Absolutely, I'm so glad I saw it! And thank you :)
